Destiny 2 Lord Shaxx

The Best Classes and Builds for PVP in Destiny 2

Are you looking for the best classes and builds for Player vs. Player (PVP) activities in Destiny 2? PVP is an integral part of the Destiny 2 experience, as it gives players a chance to test their skills against each other in Crucible and Iron Banner events. With the right class and build, you can maximize your chances of success in these intense multiplayer battles. In this article, we’ll discuss why each class is good for PVP, what type of abilities players should look for to have a competitive edge, and list some recommended builds that can be used by players to get the most out of the game. Additionally, we’ll provide tips and tricks on how to use each build effectively in both Crucible and Iron Banner PVP events. So, let’s get started!

1. Hunter

The Hunter class is one of the most popular classes for PVP in Destiny 2. Hunters have an array of abilities and perks that make them well-suited to PVP. For example, they have access to a range of special movement abilities such as Double Jump and Strafe Glide, which give them the ability to quickly traverse the map and outmaneuver their opponents. Additionally, Hunters can use Void Bombs and Shadowshot super abilities to disrupt enemy formations, while their Arcstrider subclass allows them to move quickly while dealing tremendous damage. All these factors combine to make Hunters adept at both long-range skirmishes and close-quarters combat. As a result, players should look for builds that focus on increased mobility and weapon damage to maximize their success in the Crucible. Typical Hunter builds should include perks such as High-Caliber Rounds, Moving Target, and Unrelenting for increased damage and resilience. Meanwhile, Arcstrider players should focus on perks that increase their speed and mobility such as Fleet Footed, Dodge Kill and Shadowjack. Finally, while Hunters do not have access to any specialized PVP exotics, they are still a formidable class and can be effective in the right hands.

2. Titan

Titans are a great class for PVP in Destiny 2. Titans have access to an array of defensive abilities such as Ward of Dawn, Rally Barricade and Towering Barricade that can be used to protect objectives or provide cover for teammates. Additionally, their Sentinel subclass gives them the ability to quickly close the distance on opponents and deal massive damage with their Super Ability. As a result, players should look for builds that focus on increased resilience and mobility so they can survive longer in the Crucible and position themselves effectively during team fights. Typical Titan builds should include perks such as Unstoppable Champion, Resilience Forged and Invigoration for increased survivability and resilience. Meanwhile, Sentinel players should focus on perks that increase their speed and damage such as Relentless Strike and Code of the Protector. Lastly, Titans have access to some of the best exotics for PVP in the game, like Lion Rampant, Nemesis Star and Phoenix Protocol. These items provide additional survivability and crowd control options that can give Titans an edge during PVP matches.

3. Warlock

The Warlock class is a great option for PVP in Destiny 2. Warlocks are able to deal tremendous damage from long range with their Nova Bomb and Chaos Reach supers, while their Solar subclass allows them to quickly close the distance on opponents and set up devastating combos with their abilities. For this reason, players should look for builds that focus on increased mobility, weapon damage and crowd control capabilities. Typical Warlock builds should include perks such as Frenzy, Killing Wind, and Unrelenting for increased damage output. Meanwhile, Dawnblade players should focus on perks that increase their speed and survivability such as Fleet Footed and Heat Rises. Finally, Warlocks also have access to some of the best PVP exotics in the game like Nezarec’s Sin, Starfire Protocol and Verity’s Brow. These items provide powerful buffs that can give Warlocks an edge during PVP matches. With the right build and exotic loadout, Warlocks can be formidable opponents in the Crucible and Iron Banner.

4. Tips and Tricks for Using Builds in PVP Events

PvP events in Destiny 2 require more than just a powerful build. Players must also have the right strategies and tactics to succeed in the Crucible and Iron Banner. Here are some tips and tricks that can help players to get the most out of their builds:

1. Utilize your Supers wisely – Supers are incredibly powerful abilities that can be used to gain an advantage during PvP matches, so it is important to use them strategically. Try not to simply spam your Super as soon as it’s available; wait for an opportune moment when you can disrupt enemy formation or turn the tide of battle in your favor before using it.

2. Master your movement – Mobility is key in PvP, so it is essential to practice and master your movement. Learn how to strafe, dash and slide effectively in order to outmaneuver opponents and secure kills.

3. Use cover strategically – In PvP matches, controlling the battlefield is key for success. Utilize cover wisely, know when to retreat or push forward, and watch out for enemy flankers so that you can be one step ahead of them at all times.

4. Communicate with your team – Working together as a team will make it easier to secure objectives and win fights in PvP events. Make sure that you communicate with your team regarding strategy, callouts on enemies’ positions, and use voice chat if possible in order to coordinate better.

5. Conclusion

Destiny 2 is an incredibly popular game, and for good reason. Not only does it feature great PvE content, but its PvP modes are also highly enjoyable. With the right class and build choices, players can become unstoppable forces in the Crucible or Iron Banner PVP events. Each of the three main classes – Hunter, Titan and Warlock – have viable builds that can be used to gain a competitive edge in PvP matches. Hunters should look for perks that increase their speed and survivability while Titans should focus on increased resilience and mobility. Warlocks can deal tremendous damage from long range and quickly close distance with their Solar subclass abilities. On top of this, players should remember to use their Supers wisely, master movement skills, use cover strategically and communicate with their team in order to maximize their success. With the right build, players can truly become god-like warriors in Destiny 2 PvP matches.

Ultimately, no matter which class or build you choose, the most important thing is having fun while playing. Never be afraid to experiment with different builds as everyone has personal playstyle preferences that might suit one class better than another. So go ahead and try out all three classes and find the one that suits you best! Once you do, practice hard until your skill level rivals even the top tier Guardians in Destiny 2’s fierce PvP battles! Always check our blog for new content!

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