Destiny 2 Shotgun Xenoclast IV

What Weapons Should You Craft in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is a beloved loot-based shooter, renowned for its many weapon choices and upgrades. Whether you’re playing PvP or PvE in Destiny 2, having the right arsenal of weapons can make all the difference in getting through difficult encounters. But with so many options available to craft, which weapons should you put your time and resources into? In this article, we’ll cover what weapons players should craft in Destiny 2, taking into account both PvP and PvE considerations for each type. We’ll look at their stats and potential special perks associated with certain weapon types before providing tips on where to find the best weapons as well as how to maximize their effectiveness. Finally, we’ll take a look at which weapons should be avoided at all costs.

1. PvE Weapons: Stats, Special Perks and Tips for Obtaining the Best Weapons

a. Kinetic Weapons

Kinetic weapons are the most commonly used guns in PvE scenarios and many players opt to craft them first. Kinetic weapons come with a few different stat categories: rate of fire, stability, magazine size, reload speed, handling and aim assist. For kinetic weapons that require ammo syntheses such as Pulse Rifles or Hand Cannons, it is best to look for ones that have high rates of fire paired with decent stability and large magazines. Special perks associated with kinetic weapons include weapon damage bonuses and magazine extensions which can be helpful when facing tougher enemies. To get the best weapons, it’s worth keeping an eye out for Exotic Engrams as they can drop some great powerful Kinetics guns.

b. Energy Weapons

Energy weapons are the most powerful guns in Destiny 2, offering high damage output and the ability to take down enemies quickly. When crafting energy weapons, it’s important to pay attention to their stat spread: rate of fire, stability, magazine size and reload speed. Most players opt for energy weapons with high rate of fire, as this is what makes them so effective when facing PvE enemies. Special perks associated with energy weapons include increased weapon range and faster reload times which can be helpful when engaging long-range targets or multiple opponents at once. To get the best results out of these weapons it’s worth looking for Exotic Engrams or rare drops from toughest bosses like Calus or Primevals.

c. Power Weapons

Power weapons are the heaviest hitting guns in Destiny 2, dealing massive damage to enemy targets. When looking for power weapons to craft it is important to look at the stats carefully: rate of fire, stability, magazine size and reload speed. For example, high-impact shotguns can be great when facing bosses or groups of enemies as they have a slow rate of fire but very high damage output. Special perks associated with power weapons include area-of-effect blasts and increased range which can help take out multiple targets quickly in PvE encounters. To get the best results it’s worth grinding out raids or nightfalls since these often drop some of the most powerful Power weapons available in the game.

2. PvP Weapons: Stats, Special Perks and Tips for Obtaining the Best Weapons

a. Primary Weapons

Primary weapons in Destiny 2 offer a wide variety of options for players looking to dominate the Crucible. The primary weapon types are Hand Cannons, Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Sidearms. Each type offers its own unique stats, perks, and abilities. Hand cannons are among the strongest of these primary weapons due to their high damage output combined with their precision accuracy. Auto rifles provide great sustained fire thanks to their high rate of fire with moderate impact damage. Pulse rifles have excellent range and projectile speed which make them ideal for mid-range combat scenarios. Scout rifles provide a balanced mix of range, stability and precision for long distance shots. Finally sidearms offer fast-firing bursts that pack a punch up close.

b. Special Weapons

Special weapons in Destiny 2 offer a range of powerful abilities and perks. Sniper rifles are perfect for long-range engagements due to their high impact damage, combined with excellent accuracy and range. Shotguns provide huge burst damage at close ranges but cannot be used effectively outside of a few meters. Fusion rifles fire specialized bolts that can punch through enemies’ shields and armor with ease. Rocket launchers provide incredibly powerful area-of-effect damage while heavy machine guns offer sustained fire when facing hordes of enemies. All of these special weapons have unique stats, perks, and abilities that make them stand out from the other primary and secondary options available in the game.

c. Heavy Weapons

Heavy weapons are some of the most destructive and powerful tools available in Destiny 2. Heavy weapons come in two main varieties, Swords and Machine Guns. The Sword is a legendary heavy weapon with high damage capabilities and excellent range. It can be used to take out swaths of enemies with ease, or to provide precious moments of invincibility when needed. Machine guns offer players sustained fire power combined with great accuracy at mid-to-long ranges, making them ideal for taking out groups of enemies quickly and efficiently.

Obtaining the best heavy weapons in Destiny 2 requires a bit of patience, as they tend to drop from Nightfall Strike bosses or Raid bosses. Some may also drop from chests or be acquired through exotic engrams obtained through random world events or bounties. It is also possible to purchase heavy weapons from Xur, the mysterious vendor who appears in certain locations around the world.

3. Maximizing Weapon Effectiveness in Destiny 2

Maximizing weapon effectiveness in Destiny 2 involves more than just picking the right weapons – it also requires understanding how to use them most effectively. One way to do this is by equipping perks, mods, and other upgrades that can bolster a weapon’s stats or abilities. For instance, some auto rifles allow players to attach a magazine mod which increases its damage output, while certain hand cannons can be fitted with enhanced optics that improve accuracy at long range. Similarly, kinetic weapons can be equipped with armor piercing rounds that make them even more effective against shielded enemies. Finally, special weapons such as fusion rifles or shotguns benefit from having their elemental damage type changed according to the enemy you are fighting.

4. Which Weapons Should Be Avoided in Destiny 2?

When it comes to selecting weapons in Destiny 2, there are a few that players should avoid. The first of these is the side arm, as its low damage output makes it ineffective against most enemies. Shotguns can also be difficult to use due to their narrow range and slow reload times, meaning they are only effective at extremely close ranges. Fusion rifles are similarly underwhelming because their bolts have to travel such a long distance before hitting their targets, resulting in low damage output for all but the closest of enemies. Finally, heavy machine guns suffer from poor accuracy and fire rate, making them less useful than other heavy weapon options. So while there may be some weapons in Destiny 2 that look good on paper, you’ll find that they are not nearly as effective in practice. Be sure to do your research before investing resources into any weapon!

5. Conclusion: Crafting the Right Weapon For You in Destiny 2

Ultimately, crafting the right weapon for you in Destiny 2 comes down to identifying your own playstyle and selecting weapons that suit it. If you’re looking for a reliable damage-dealer in PvP then auto rifles, fusion rifles, and hand cannons are all solid choices. Those who prefer PvE activities may want to opt for shotguns or heavy weapons like swords or machine guns which can provide plenty of area of effect damage. Special weapons such as rocket launchers can be especially effective against large bosses or hordes of enemies. Lastly, make sure to equip any weapon with the appropriate perks and mods to maximize its effectiveness according to your own needs. With this advice in mind, players should have no trouble finding the perfect weapon combination to take on whatever challenges await them in Destiny 2. Always check our blog for new content!

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